Friday, March 23, 2007

Mayor Doing Nothing in Pittsburgh for Past 10 days?

Well, the rivers have been dangerously swollen this week, flooding the Mon Wharf parking lot and making the fishing terribly slow. Hooked into a nasty Allegheny Whitefish on Tuesday and many of the fish were turned off on Wednesday but I had a suspicion they were still there. I was wondering about these lame conditions and searched for some information that would help me choose the right lure out of the tacklebox.

I went to the mayor's page on the city website to see what the heck was going on. For much of the mayor's time in office, Dick Skrinjar hasn't missed a beat and hasn't gone more than 5-6 days without telling us all the important things that the mayor has been doing. The last important thing Mayor Ravenstahl has done according to these press releases was praising Irish spirit on March 13. As of today, that was 10 days ago.

For a mayor who was providing press releases about every 5-6 days and who is responsible for the city that seems odd. After snubbing Hill District leaders and needing to work out a number issues concerning city residents and the arena one would think we would be kept abreast of the 'progress' on this issue. One might think that a press release is in order for sharing details on the mayor's tax-abatement plan which was promised to the public back in February. Of course, that plan was never a tool for curb appeal in a mayoral campaign to begin with. One might think we would learn about how Pittsburgh is "moving forward". But no, we haven't heard about anything the mayor has been doing for 10 days.

Looking a bit more carefully, press releases were released about every 2 days (sometimes 2-3 a day) on the city website once Peduto formerly announced his bid for mayor. So, every 5-6 days since he took office and every 1-2 days since he was a candidate. Hmmm. I wonder if Skrinjar has been too busy training Ravenstahl to tell-the-truth-ese or if Ravenstahl has been too busy learning on the job to get anything done.